phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 220

setSourceFilename(/var/www/www-root/data/www/ set $this->sourceFilename to "/var/www/www-root/data/www/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 271

Leaving $this->config_imagemagick_path as (/usr/bin/convert) because !is_execuatable(realpath($this->config_imagemagick_path)) () in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1332

                  file_exists(/usr/bin/convert) = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1335

file_exists_ignoreopenbasedir(/usr/bin/convert) = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1336

                      is_file(/usr/bin/convert) = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1337

                is_executable(/usr/bin/convert) = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1338

ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because cannot find convert in $this->config_imagemagick_path (/usr/bin/convert), and `which convert` returned () in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1369

$AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;ico;bmp;wbmp;gif;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 925

$this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 936

$this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->f "png" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 943

$this->thumbnailQuality set to "90" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 953

resolvePath: /var/www/www-root/data/www/ (allowed_dirs: Array
) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1096

resolvePath: iteration, path=/var/www/www-root/data/www/, base path = /var/www/www-root/data/www/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1115

open_basedir: "/var/www/www-root/data:." in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1082

resolvePath: stop at component 13 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1131

resolvePath: stop at path=/var/www/www-root/data/www/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1134

resolvePath: path parsed, over in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1140

$this->sourceFilename set to "/var/www/www-root/data/www/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 849

setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 961

$this->config_cache_directory () is not a directory in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 997

SetCacheFilename() failed because $this->config_cache_directory is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3404

starting ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3236

GetImageSize(/var/www/www-root/data/www/ says image is 971x606 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3246

$this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1508

ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because ImageMagickCommandlineBase() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2203

ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3286

SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() starting with "971"x"606" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3215

SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() setting w="850", h="570" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3231

EXIF thumbnail extraction: (size=0; type=""; 0x0) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3343

starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3603

starting ImageCreateFromFilename(/var/www/www-root/data/www/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3518

ImageCreateFromFilename found ($getimagesizeinfo[2]==3) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3527

Calling ImageCreateFromPNG(/var/www/www-root/data/www/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3535

ImageCreateFromPNG() was attempted but FAILED in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3573

Populating $rawimagedata in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3575

attempting ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($rawimagedata (28689 bytes), true) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3589

ImageCreateFromStringReplacement() calling built-in ImageCreateFromString() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4159

Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->exif_thumbnail_data is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3674

$this->gdimg_source is still empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3726

ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3728

phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000

Error messages disabled.

edit phpThumb.config.php and (temporarily) set
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['disable_debug'] = false;
to view the details of this error in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4050

phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000

Error messages disabled.

edit phpThumb.config.php and (temporarily) set
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['disable_debug'] = false;
to view the details of this error in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4050

SourceImageToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 351